Tuesday, November 30, 2010

hEaRt BreAkEr And LoVer

Message: (made by J.D and an 
anonymous but
significant mademoiselle)

Daniel and Jasmine are sitting alone in the park
one night....

Daniel: I guess we are the left overs in this

Jasmine: I think so...All of my friends have
boyfriends and we are only the 2 persons left
in this world with out any special person in our life

Daniel: Yup I don't know what to do

Jasmine: I know! We'll play a game

Daniel: What game?

Jasmine: i'll be your girl friend for 30 days and
you will be my boy friend

Daniel: That's a great plan in fact i don't have
nothing to do much this following weeks...

DAY 1:

They watch their first movie and they both
touched in a romantic film

DAY 4:

They went to the beach and have a
and Jasmine have their quality time together

DAY 12:

Daniel invited Jasmine to a circus and they ride
on a Horror House....Jasmine was scared and
she touched Daniel's hand but she touched
someone else's hand and they both laughed...

DAY 15:

They saw a fortune teller down the road and
asked for their future advice and the fortune
said: "My darling, Please don't waste the time
your life...SPend the rest of your time together
happily" Then tears flow out from the teller's

DAY 20:

Jasmine invited Daniel to go to the hill and they
saw a meteor...Jasmine mumbled something

DAY 28:

They sat on the bus and because of a bumby
Jasmine gave her first kiss to Daniel by

DAY 29:


Jasmine and Daniel sat in the park where they
first decided to play this game...

Daniel: I'm tired Jasmine...Do you want any
drinks? I'll buy you one.. I'll just go down the

Jasmine: Apple Juice that's all

Daniel: Wait for me....

20mins later... a stranger approached Jasmine

Stranger: Are you a friend of Daniel?

Jasmine: Why yes? What happened?

Stranger: A reckless drunken driver ran over
daniel and he is critical in the hospital


The doctor went out of the emergency room
he handed out an apple juice and a letter

Doctor: We found this in daniel's pocket

Jasmine reads the letter and it says:

Jasmine, This past few days, i realized you are
really cute girl and i am really falling for
cherish smile your everything when we played
game..... Before this game would end...I would
you to be my girl friend for the rest of my life....
love you Jasmine....

Jasmine crumples the paper and shouted:

"Daniel ! i don't want you to die... I love
you...Remember that night when we saw a
meteor, I mumbled something... I mumbled
that I
wish we would be together forever and never
this game. Please don't leave me Daniel.... I
you! You cannot do this to me!"

Then the clock strikes 12

Daniel's heart stop pumping



Always love your loved ones and show them
how you feel before it is too late...You will never
know when they will be gone from your embrace...If
you were given a time to bestow petals of
everlasting compassi0n and love to your loved
ones? Today is the day....Love them while they
are still here...

Friday, November 26, 2010

Cinta vs Suka

Di hadapan orang yang kita cinta,
hati kita akan berdegup kencang...
Tapi di depan orang yang kita suka,
hati kita akan gembira...

Di depan orang yang kita cinta,
musim sentiasa berbunga-bunga...
Di depan orang yang kita suka,
musim itu cuma berangin sahaja...

Jikalau kita lihat di dalam mata orang yang kita cinta,
kita akan kaku...
Tapi jikalau kita melihat ke dalam mata orang yang kita suka,
kita akan senyum...

Di depan orang yang kita cinta,
lidah kita kelu untuk berkata-kata...
Di depan orang yang kita suka,
lidah bebas berkata apa sahaja...

Di depan orang yang kita cinta,
kita menjadi malu...
Di depan orang yang kita suka,
kita akan tunjukkan imej yang sebenar....

Kita tidak boleh merenung mata orang yang kita cinta,
Tapi kita selalu merenung mata orang yang kita suka...

Bila orang yang kita cinta menangis,
kita akan turut menangis....
Bila orang yang kita suka menangis,
kita akan turut membuat dia gembira...

Perasaan cinta bermula dari mata,
Perasaan suka bermula dari telinga...
Jadi, jikalau kita berhenti menyukai seseorang yang kita suka...
Umpama kita membuang telinga kita
Tapi jika kita cuba menutup mata
Cinta berbuah menjadi airmata

Setiap orang yang akan mengalami ini dalam hidup mereka,
Cuma fikirkanlah bersama-sama siapa yang anda cinta...

Tetapi, hakikatnya....
Cinta kepada Allah swt
Adalah lebih hakiki dan abadi....
Kasih sayangmu tuhan itu yang kudambakan
Dengan rahmatku
Ampunilah dosaku..